
Popular Cooking Shows of Past and Present

Now more than ever, cable television is flooded with cooking shows. Covering a wide range of delicacies, localities, and personalities, anyone can get a culinary education from the comfort of their living room. Cooking shows became popular in the ’60s thanks in...

Making a Reservation at the French Laundry

The French Laundry may sound like a racy laundromat, but it’s actually a well-known restaurant located in Yountville, CA. Yountville, located in the heart of Napa Valley, is famous the world over for its plentiful vineyards, deep wine cellars, and top-shelf...

A Satisfied Client Turns a Frog Into a Prince

Another happy client… and delivery guy! Love you Miss Fabulous! Here one of the One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment delivery crew is dropping off a free Playstation 3 to one of our clients who scored on the free XBox 360 or Playstation 3 offer we ran in August. A...