by One Fat Frog | Feb 25, 2014 | Opening a Restaurant
It’s time to talk about a topic that is near and dear to One Fat Frog: alcohol. One decision that all restaurant entrepreneurs have to make is whether your restaurant should serve alcohol. And if you do serve alcohol, should there be a full bar or just beer and wine?... by One Fat Frog | Feb 24, 2014 | Opening a Restaurant
Before opening a restaurant startup – and during the operation of one – one of the most important things that a restaurant entrepreneur can do is eat at other restaurants. In fact, you should be more familiar with competing restaurants than One Fat Frog employees are... by One Fat Frog | Feb 24, 2014 | Opening a Restaurant
As a restaurant entrepreneur, creating a brand is just as important as opening up the restaurant. In order for the restaurant to be successful, there needs to be hungry people walking in the door every day. Creating a brand involves marketing the restaurant, the... by One Fat Frog | Feb 24, 2014 | Opening a Restaurant
One question that One Fat Frog hears often when talking to restaurant entrepreneurs is “how do I increase profits?” The answer is complicated, but to simplify it, there are basically two ways of increasing your restaurant profits: 1) increase your sales and 2)... by One Fat Frog | Feb 21, 2014 | Opening a Restaurant
One Fat Frog is having a dress-up day today in the office. More on that later, but for now keep in mind that the Froggy staff is dressed as characters from the TV show “Big Bang Theory.” We’re not just doing that because someone needed an excuse to wear a comic book... by One Fat Frog | Feb 20, 2014 | Opening a Restaurant, Restaurant Management
One Fat Frog has been giving you restaurant entrepreneurs tips on how to gain new customers, and slipping in a tip or two about how to get customers to come back for more. We’re back again to give you yet another restaurant startup tip. The Frog keeps its...