by Connie, President | Jun 23, 2011 | Giving Back to the Community- Donations
One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment is excited to share with you that Pathways is having their annual summer BBQ this weekend. Thanks to our client support, we are able to donate the entire food for the event. We appreciate your support and continued patronage.... by Connie, President | May 23, 2011 | General News, Giving Back to the Community- Donations
Another Pathways Drop In Shelter Homeless event. If you would like to donate in-kind, monetary or volunteer, please do give Lt. Deanne Adams a call. Additionally, if you have clothing or food you would like to donate you may call her or drop off at either of One Fat... by Connie, President | Apr 22, 2011 | General News, Giving Back to the Community- Donations
I’m so excited because Mr. Mohawk is up at the office supply store and getting our church guestbook. I really wish we’d started this years ago so I could go back and read about the amazing people who have crossed our path. We’ll be getting one in... by Connie, President | Apr 15, 2011 | Giving Back to the Community- Donations
Just heard about Feeding 24,000 homeless on Thanksgiving. The Frog wants in- count us in! by Connie, President | Apr 11, 2011 | Giving Back to the Community- Donations
While I’m talking about neighbors I forgot to share the end part of this story. A few weeks ago an angel showed up from nowhere bearing six boxes of clothes for the homeless at Pathways. She tells me, Hey I see you guys on the internet that I can drop this... by Connie, President | Apr 11, 2011 | Giving Back to the Community- Donations
We’re awfully lucky to have a church as a neighbor. If you know anything about the Frog, only of the things we very much value is that role of the church in the community. Today our neighbors at South Orlando Baptist Church (did you know they have a Preschool...