
True funny story at the homefront

Those of you with a little one underfoot can appreciate these family stories: Grampa is sitting at the table doing a puzzle, older sister is sitting at the table coloring.  Youngest comes up and climbs on the chair next to them and says “I am NOT in time...

Practical Jokes here

Well, we’ve had a mass birthday party here since we missed an admin birthday and warehouse guy’s special day.  The guys put up a walk-in and decorated it with a sign that says, “Sarah’s VIP Office”… there’s also decoration and...

psssst… Sexy Sarah has a date

There’s a rumor that Sexy Sarah has a lunch date on Monday.  If you want to bring her flowers and give the guy a run for a his money… well stop on in.  I hear her favorite flowers are tulips. I’ve been encouraging her to go with him to the cheap...

United Front Spokesperson

The boys at work have some sort of thing going on called the “United Front” and they tell the girls that we can’t be privvy to different information they are talking to because girls cannot join the “United Front.”  When they took Mr. IT...