by Connie, President | May 2, 2011 | Used Equipment
Another truckload of used restaurant equipment or two or three or four or more coming in at the Frog today! We also had a truckload of used restaurant equipment come in yesterday. I tell ya, the Frog never sleeps. Here’s a brief list of the equipment that... by Connie, President | Apr 27, 2011 | General News
Why do Savannah GA restaurant/ bar owners drive to Orlando’s One Fat Frog REstaurant Equipment? I suppose if you’d never shopped with us at either of our two locations or seen our MEGA Warehouse in Orlando you might ponder the drive. But, when... by Connie, President | Apr 27, 2011 | Used Equipment
Drop in and see this unit and purchase her at a GREAT price! One Fat Frog prides itself in great looking walk ins. This particular unit was dissassembled by our skilled technicians and warehouse folks, it will be tested again before it comes to your location. It... by Connie, President | Apr 27, 2011 | Used Equipment
Need a great used walk in refrigerator, walk in freezer or combination walk in freezer and refrigerator? One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment sells new and used restaurant, bar, grill, and c-store walk ins. If we don’t have used in stock we can always sell you... by Connie, President | Apr 27, 2011 | Used Equipment
At Orlando’s One Fat Frog MEGA Warehouse we’re stocking up for your shopping pleasure. Yup- we have a selection of used refrigerated equipment stands with drawers. These are great to put under your charbroiler, flat griddle or fryers for easy access to...