by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | Used Equipment
So we got one dirty truck! I promised you a picture- but I sure never said it would be right or wrong side up. If you can see all the bugs in this picture this truck is filthy. I guess it’s fair to say we’ve been busy doing a few deliveries in the... by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | General News
I should have gotten a picture holding her. She was just soooo sweet and looks just like her daddy! So much I could say about it but it just made my day. Restaurant Equipment is great but family is where it’s at. So we build this business around family- from... by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | Used Equipment
It’s no coincidence that today is the National Day of Prayer and we get a call from a homeless shelter in Jacksonville asking for help. Please call and let us help you out. Call and ask for Google Girl if you’re a 501-3-c and it would be my pleasure to... by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | Used Equipment
At One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment we have tons of used restaurant equipment in stock. Check out pictures of our full warehouse. And I’m telling you we are full! Several if not ten or more of many of our items in stock. We have clients drive down from... by Connie, President | May 3, 2011 | Used Equipment
Warehouse guys were unloading several trucks this a.m. and the equipment is in! We also have some great deals on new refrigerators, freezers, bottle coolers, kegerators and glass door merchandisers from various new manufacturers. Orlando’s One Fat Frog...