by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | Used Equipment
We do such high volume that a lot of times folks buy stuff as it’s coming off the truck! For example this beautiful Middleby Marshall PS360 looks great after our detail guys were through with it. Now hours of meticulous attention went into this and it’s... by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | Funny Story in the Office
“I’m taking my wife on Saturday to get her mother’s day tattoo…” Only at One Fat Frog… really I’m not gonna comment more on this. But then I found out that Jibjab has a special application on Mother’s Day tattoos, so I... by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | Used Equipment
So for Easter we bought the kids bunny rabbit ears and made them wear them for pictures. It made for great video and photo clips. I may be disowned once they get to high school and realize it’s forever memorialized on the net on One Fat Frog Restaurant... by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | General News, Opening a Restaurant
Oh my gosh my mouth salivates at the thought of one of our great customer’s places. It’s right down the street on OBT and Central Florida Parkway- their sign says “Chocolate Coffee” and maybe they’re still a little bit of a secret at... by Connie, President | May 5, 2011 | General News
Every morning I get up I try to think of two different simple things I’m grateful for. I post them on facebook to counteract all the negativity I also cripe about there… lol… here’s the things I posted this morning: I’m grateful for...