by Connie, President | May 6, 2011 | Used Equipment
What can a girl say about used rotisseries for sale? Really I’d prefer to talk about makeup and high heels but since they pay me or try to tell me they pay me for the typing here so I’ll try to make it rather exciting for you. Selection… well we... by Connie, President | May 6, 2011 | Used Equipment
Selection of used restaurant and food service equipment. Free delivery throughout much of Florida. Warranty on many items. This is why people shop at One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment. Today I’ve taken a few *maybe* upright photos of grab n go open air... by Connie, President | May 6, 2011 | Funny Story in the Office
love this picture, please do take a moment to laugh with me… hehehehe by Connie, President | May 6, 2011 | Used Equipment
They say a picture is worth a thousand words… Since all of my pictures seem to be coming out sideways I guess we might loose a little word count on these pictures, but if you’re smarter than the average dog then I suggest just moving your neck sideways. ... by Connie, President | May 6, 2011 | Opening a Restaurant, Used Equipment
One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment in Orlando FL has two beautiful bakery grab and go cases to sell. One of the bakery coffeeshop cases has curved Euro glass on the top and the other has three shelves as you can see. Both bakery coffee shop cases have open air grab...