
FDA to ban trans fat

Here’s another major development in the food service industry that One Fat Frog just isn’t sure how to process. The FDA is proposing banning trans fat. Now, the Frog is pretty sure that trans fat is unhealthy, and doctors are always saying that is clogs arteries and...

Restaurant food safety so important

As you may be aware, this Saturday One Fat Frog is hosting a class on food safety that allows those within the food service industry to obtain the state-mandated certification. Why do we do that? Why does a seller of restaurant equipment host such a thing? For...

Hoppy Halloween from One Fat Frog

Today is Halloween and One Fat Frog is pretty excited about that. It’s the one time of year when you get to live out your fantasies by pretending to be someone else. Did you always want to hijack ships and steal treasure? Dress up as a pirate and have some fun....

Restaurant Startup Tip: Be Flexible

For the first time restaurant owner, opening that restaurant is often the realization of a dream. As such, the entrepreneur probably imagined certain aspects of the restaurant long before the doors first opened to the public. One Fat Frog sees this all of the time in...