by The Duke of Frogshire | Aug 3, 2011 | Used Equipment
Just arrived at our Sanford location on West Airport Blvd. is a grip of used equipment including a Middleby Marshall conveyor oven, an undercounter fridge, coffee maker, etc. Stop by the One Fat Frog showroom in Sanford and check out these and other great pieces of... by The Duke of Frogshire | Aug 3, 2011 | Funny Story in the Office, Used Equipment
One of One Fat Frog’s favorite custom paint jobs our crew has done is this hot pink cooler. It would be great if more clients requested fun colors like this. Interestingly enough, when our One Fat Frog delivery guy dropped this cooler off at the adult gym that... by The Duke of Frogshire | Aug 3, 2011 | Funny Story in the Office, General News, Used Equipment
Mentioned in One Fat Frog’s previous post was a “Smurf blue” custom paint job our crew did on a cooler. Did you know that one of the Smurfs is a chef?! For real, his name is Chef Smurf (duh) and he’s the chef for the entire Smurf village. Talk... by The Duke of Frogshire | Aug 3, 2011 | Used Equipment
Besides selling, buying, cleaning, and servicing all of the new/used equipment we sell, One Fat Frog’s in-house techs will also custom paint! Coolers, freezers, ice cream cabinets, ice machines, confection ovens, etc., One Fat Frog’s techs are the Renoirs... by The Duke of Frogshire | Aug 3, 2011 | Funny Story in the Office, General News
You have no idea how surprised I was when I called my girlfriend and she announced that we had triplets! I was expecting two bundles of joy, not three! Don’t worry, mom. I’m speaking of baby squirrels. My girlfriend and I decided to foster three baby...