by Brad Frog | Feb 17, 2009 | Funny Story in the Office
Well, we’ve had a mass birthday party here since we missed an admin birthday and warehouse guy’s special day. The guys put up a walk-in and decorated it with a sign that says, “Sarah’s VIP Office”… there’s also decoration and... by Brad Frog | Feb 12, 2009 | Opening a Restaurant
Did you ever dream of opening a restaurant? Are you in the startup or planning stages of opening some sort of foodservice establishment? We have helped customers who become friends open the following types of establishments: daycare kitchen, deli, bakery, pizzeria,... by Brad Frog | Feb 12, 2009 | General News
In honor of Valentine’s Day, The restaurant Equipment Doctor is suggesting we serenade Sexy Sarah with “Endless Love” on kazoos. Now when he was saying “on kazoo” I just wonder how literally he meant it? by Brad Frog | Feb 12, 2009 | General News
At One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment we love our macs, our iphones and everything related to mac. To the point that we’re surely converting the legions of customers too! So, had a huge chuckle when I tripped over the website sporting do it yourself Mac... by Brad Frog | Feb 12, 2009 | Funny Story in the Office
There’s a rumor that Sexy Sarah has a lunch date on Monday. If you want to bring her flowers and give the guy a run for a his money… well stop on in. I hear her favorite flowers are tulips. I’ve been encouraging her to go with him to the cheap...