
Did you know it costs to be homeless?  Count me naive, but here is something new I learned this weekend.  For the first ?2 or 3? days each year you stay at the Salvation Army it’s free, thereafter it’s $9/day.  Now, this truly was news to me.  I always wondered why folks didn’t go to the homeless shelter when it got cold. 

Now, I still have to fully figure this out, but from what I’m putting together it might cost a homeless person under $300 a month to stay at the homeless shelter.  Mind you this is a person without a permanent address or a place to regularly bathe, so how are they holding a job or even finding one?   Add in mental illness and the equation just gets tougher and tougher.

So, how many of us can afford to be homeless?  Really that is the question… 

And I ask you please, please can you assist the homeless shelter in your area?  Can you donate to Pathways in Orlando to help the mentally ill homeless?  I will write further about my tour last weekend of the facility.  Suffice it to say I met some of the kindest folks there and was really wowed by the Director- Nelson.   He is an amazing man and his vision certainly drives the center.  

Now back in my day… (ah, yeah, circa 1980s) I was a social worker.  Call me bleeding heart, call me commie, but I worked to help the people or at least that’s what I thought working managed care.  I was on the other side of the system but as equally frustrated by it as the recipients or clients.

Can you imagine waiting hours and hours to see a doctor for a prescription and then waiting more hours for medication?  Now you say, what does a homeless person have to do with their time otherwise.  True enough, but don’t all of us deserve the dignity of attention as an individual?   I REALLY dig that Pathways is for the mentally ill and managed by the mentally ill.  Who knows your needs more than your population?

I could go on and on with my personal soapbox, but it really doesn’t matter.  What matters is that this underserved population receives the support they need.  Our generosity of just a dollar or two – or better yet in kind donations- will make a BIG DIFFERENCE.  

Perhaps I’ve taken on this cause with a passion because of a dear friend who suffered from mental illness and passed away a few years ago.  Julia was a bright light and will be missed.  Thankfully she had a family with means to help her avoid homelessness, but there are many who don’t have the financial or emotional ability to help out with a roof.

I invite you to tour Pathways, call us at One Fat Frog and let me take you out there or call Lt. Deanne Adams to meet her there.  Make a difference.   I guarantee you, once you visit Pathways you’ll never be the same!

Let’s make it easy for folks to have a roof over their head.  Maybe we should take up some donations for homeless shelter gift certificates- there you go.. need a present for someone who has everything?  Send some money to Pathways in their honor, ear mark the money so that someone will have a roof over their head.  It’s only $9 bucks a day at the Salvation Army and you and I struggle in recession?




On a separate note we were able to make a token donation to Chef Jeff and EHS students to help their local homeless shelter- two things I dearly love supporting the homeless and teenagers.  Either way it’s the best money spent this week.

May your week be wonderful, you businesses prosperous and a roof over your head-