Google Girl was impressed and perplexed today when I told her that I collect VHS tapes. You know, those bulky pieces of black plastic that you used to watch movies on? I still do. Mainly horrible instructional and safety videos that will never be put on DVD for preservation. There are millions of them out there that were mass produced in the 80s and 90s and are now collecting dust on thrift store shelves.
There’s a whole culture of people who buy these VHS tapes, digitally convert them onto their laptops, and re-edit them into humorous videos for YouTube and whatnot. It’s a fun hobby and you’re really never sure what you’re buying. Blank, unlabeled VHS with no covers are the best. I once bought a blank tape that turned out to be a home video of a teenager practicing his nunchuck skills in front of a mirror. Then there’s gems like “Angela Lansbury’s Positive Moves” or “A Woman’s Guide to Firearms.” I also have one where Henry Winkler teaches kids how to fend of rabid strangers. I’m not kidding.
I’ll post some more pics of my collection soon. I just happened to have these on my phone.
One Fat Frog • 11473 S. Orange Blossom Trail • Orlando, FL • 407-480-3409