Today One Fat Frog had a visit from a couple that came all the way from Savannah, GA. They had heard things about One Fat Frog and made the 4 1/2 hour drive from Savannah to check out the warehouse and talk to our in-house adviser about starting up a restaurant.
One Fat Frog also got a call from a gentleman who is flying down from New York to check out the huge warehouse of restaurant equipment. Word is spreading nationally about the Frog!!! Call or stop by our two locations for information on how One Fat Frog can help you get your restaurant started!
One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment
One Fat Frog • 11473 S. Orange Blossom Trail • Orlando, FL • 407-480-3409
One Fat Frog • 1137 W. Airport Blvd. • Sanford, FL • 407-936-2733!/onefatfrog