Our technical staff. We have a brilliant team is all I can say. I’m truly amazed over the years how our team has grown and how the technical and skill level has grown. We started out with family technicians and then soon out grew that model. Now the Frog Restaurant Equipment has technicians who specialize in refrigeration, gas, electrical (3 phase/ single phase/ phase conversion/ building boards), metalwork, painting and all sorts of metal fabrication.
In talking with various friendly competitors of recent it never ceases to amaze me how many dealers do not have full time technicians on staff. I’m not really sure how they can offer high quality follow through on warranty without repair staff on hand.
I guess I get a little spoiled. I take what we do for the norm and I tend to think that every dealer would have a staff as highly skilled as ours. I know it’s possible because I know the specialty areas of each of our employees and I also know where they overlap.
Maybe it’s the constant purr of the pressure washers, welders and compressors around this joint that get to my head… but really it’s just a pleasure to work here. If I’m in the warehouse involved with a sale I can easily pull a technician or a body guy to discuss custom work, upgrades or installation needs. This takes the guesswork out of it. And best of all we’re available for customer support after the sale.