
So we did a count of Frog kids this morning.  I lost count and ran out of fingers and toes at 23.  I think there may be a few that I lost count of, but there are 23 children that eat each week because their parents work at the Frog.  This pleases me tremendously.  THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT!  Recession, hard times, I always go back to that restaurant consultant who tried to tell me in the height of recession and family terminal cancer that if I shaved off 1.5 positions I could have that coveted Mercedes at the end of the year.

At the Frog our role is to help the community and we do that because of you.  Your support of the Frog and your spending dollars go to employees and expanding our Central Florida workforce.  Your support of the Frog puts food on the table at the Homeless shelter.  Maybe my accountant doesn’t agree that we don’t do it for the tax write off, but it’s deeper than that.


I’ve been dreaming a lot about winning the lotto.  And my friends remind me that to win that lotto I would have to actually buy a ticket, but that’s another story.  Last night I watched a show about people winning the lotto and how it changed their lives.  It didn’t take me long to think about the first thing I would do after winning the lotto.  I would drive over to that homeless shelter, get on my knees and thank God for the ability to better help them.

Maybe I’m getting over emotional here.  Okay, I know I am.  But that’s my dream, my little slice of the American Dream.

The other show I watched last night was about Extreme Couponing.  The 7 yr old was so wonderful, she saw it and promptly gathered all the coupons saying, “let’s coupon for the homeless shelter.”  Sometimes you gotta wonder the effectiveness of your parenting.  Guess she got that one on the nose.  Nose we decided we’re gonna spend one weekend looking into couponing as a family.  I’m not sure, the tv sort of made it look like a full-time job but it sure sounds like a great way to give back tot he community.