FACEBOOK.COM picture above of 24 yr old SPC RILEY and his daughter.
This story has disturbed me for the last two days.  I was reading the Orlando Sentinel (our local Orlando newspaper) and came across this bit online.  Quite honestly I’m in tears for the widow and child Mr Riley left behind.  I don’t often read the news and I don’t hear about all of the casualties… did you know this story?
  Let’s step outside of the politics and just look at the reality there is one more little girl in the world who went to bed last night without a daddy.  Tears stream down my face.  Bless you SPC Riley, prayers for your beautiful little girl and the widow out there.  And more tears stream down my face…
Story below courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel:

A 24-year-old soldier from Longwood was killed this week Afghanistan, Department of Defense announced today.

Spc. Brian D. Riley Jr., died Sunday, in Kunar province.

The Department of Defense said he was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

“I have the most amazing daughter in the world,” Riley wrote on his Facebook page, which feature a photo of him holding the unnamed child. He also wrote that he “loves anything to do with cars.”

Information he posted indicated he is originally from Binghamton, N.Y. No other details were immediately available.