Another truckload of used restaurant equipment or two or three or four or more coming in at the Frog today! We also had a truckload of used restaurant equipment come in yesterday. I tell ya, the Frog never sleeps. Here’s a brief list of the equipment that comes in on the trucks. Again, it’s never a complete list, just a brief overview:
- fryers- Imperial, Wolff, American Range and more, singles and bank fryers with dump station and filtration
- flat griddle
- charbroiler
- steam table
- tilt skillet
- spiral mixer
- holding cabinets
- cook n hold
- refrigerator
- freezer
- deli case
- bakery case
- flat griddle
- charbroiler
- 4 burner
- 6 burner
- syrup cold rail pumps
- refrigerated sandwich tables
- portable ice cream display freezers
- out door walk in freezer unit
- sinks
I know this list is pathetically inadequate compared to the four plus truckloads of stuff… well good used restaurant equipment. There are a few pieces we purchased for the homeless shelter. I’m very very excited about those! We’re gonna go see them soon and make another delivery- YAY~