
We do such high volume we just don’t get to post our great deals online with pictures and prices like our good old days.  Hey, things were coming off the truck on Saturday and getting sold tags put on them immediately as they’d already been sold.  So here’s the thing.  I’m looking around the internet and find a local competitor has the same Indufrial refrigerated deli case for sale for $2695… and well let’s just say it sold at the Frog at a SIGNIFICANT savings.  Significant I tell you!

At the Frog we’ve had a number of deli cases and dry pastry cases come in over the weekend.  Guaranteed to go early next week.  Now I know why our stuff is flying out of the warehouse before we can clean it… It’s just the prices and value.  How can you go wrong with our 30 day warranty on most items and free local delivery (see store for details on both of those)?

One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment

our reputation precedes us… see where your neighbors are shopping and why folks drive HOURS to come see us