

There are few specialty foods as unique as sushi. While it is quite simple to eat sushi, it can be difficult to make it. If you’re looking for a new type of food to try to create, sushi is definitely up there. While getting the technique does take practice, here are simple steps to begin your training in making sushi.

-First, get the right ingredients: vegetables, fish or shellfish meat, sushi rice (this is a specialty you’ll have to search for), red wine vinegar, unsalted dried seaweed (or nori), sugar, and salt. As far as utensils, aside from some typical items like bowls, a rice cooker, and spatulas, you’ll also need a bamboo mat.

-Begin first by putting two cups of rice in a rice cooker. Keep an eye on the water as you don’t want it to be cloudy; if it is, rinse the rice and put in new water.

-Take two types of vegetables and cut them length-wise into long, thin strips.

-Cut the fish or shellfish meat into long strips, trying to keep them even.

-When your rice is ready, put it in a dish.

-Pour about two tablespoons of red wine vinegar into a bowl. This will provide some flavor, so you can put in more if you prefer, but start here rather than put in a lot. Pour in salt and sugar and stir until it dissolves. Taste it to find your preference, adding more vinegar, salt, or sugar depending on how you like it.

-Pour the mixture into the rice and mix thoroughly. Add more vinegar if the rice is not separating easily.

-Place a layer or seaweed on the bamboo mat close to the end of the mat. Spread the rice over the seaweed evenly so there are no holes in the rice. Put some vinegar on the edge of the seaweed so it sticks when you roll it. Place the strips of vegetables and meat on top of the rice in the middle.

-Roll the bamboo mat into a tube, rolling the seaweed around the rice, meat, and vegetables inside. Once you feel it has stuck together well, unroll the mat and remove the long tube.

-Cut the roll in half, then cut those halves in half as well, and then again until you get the sushi at the size you’d like it to be. And now, you have sushi you can serve.

Of course, this might take some practice at first, but once you feel you’ve mastered this art (or at least come pretty close to doing well with it), feel free to bring some down for us to try.

One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment

One Fat Frog • 11473 S. Orange Blossom Trail • Orlando, FL • 407-480-3409
One Fat Frog • 1137 W. Airport Blvd. • Sanford, FL • 407-936-2733


2416 Sand Lake Road • Orlando, FL • 407-480-3409
