Sexy Sarah loves tulips

Sexy Sarah loves tulips

There’s a rumor that Sexy Sarah has a lunch date on Monday.  If you want to bring her flowers and give the guy a run for a his money… well stop on in.  I hear her favorite flowers are tulips.

I’ve been encouraging her to go with him to the cheap Mexican restaurant down the street which coincidentally happens to be my favorite restaurant.  Now, how convenient would it be for them to bring me back lunch on Monday?

On the other hand, I’ve also suggested they take me along.  I promise I wouldn’t be a third-wheel-shirtthird wheel in the whole thing.  Really I’m quite clever and can hold my own during conversation.  In fact I could create a comfortable bridge over those awkward date moments.

hmmmmm… this could work out well for her.  And if it’s a bum date, what better to say then, well we have to take <her> (this would be me) back to the office.  In fact, if he has bad breath and you don’t want to kiss him you could even get out of it.  And, the other good news is that I’m from Montana and have ridden in the back of a truck or two in my life.  So…. if he brings a truck instead of the Mercedes than I can just conveniently ride int he back of the truck.

Heck if you wanted to go there our entire crew could just go on out for the date and rate this poor chump.  Just think… Mr. IT GUY, Mr. Bossman, The Restaurant Equipment Doctor, Tonto, Old Married Lady and yours truly riding along for Sexy Sarah’s date.  We could just throw up a sign that says, back in fifteen.  Really this could work out smashingly.


Wanna come along and wish Sexy Sarah Hoppy Valentine’s Day?  She will give you a peck on the cheek for chocolates from what I hear.  You could be her second admirer this week to bring a box of chocolates, just beware we think she feeds them to Mr. IT Guy.