Years ago I worked at an exclusive private golf course in Montana. For those that know Northwest Montana, it was a little golf course.. okay big golf course just outside of Fortine MT (try finding that on a map!!) called Crystal Lakes Golf Course. Crystal Lakes had it’s own airstrip (no air traffic controller).
Anyway, the meat of the story is here I was this impressionable girl, very innocent 16 years old and the cook was a seasoned old cookie named June. June had put in her twenty years in the school district and now was working at Crystal Lakes and her prep cook was a classmate of mine named David.
All of these points of contact are really superfluous but to commemorate the time at Crystal Lakes and the stories that will come. I have two to share today.
The one that really matters is the day that I quit wearing hairspray. To help you understand, imagine the 1980s… big hair, hairspray, White Snake, big hair, Cindy Lauper and more hairspray. If you’re in a little confustion add a bit more hair spray and some Thompson Twins in the picture and you’ll understand how crucial hairspray was to an adolescent’s development at that time.
Now, it seems the pilot on the range went out and June had to bend under the line to light the pilot. Gas build up, flames shooting forward and catching her hairsprayed hair… and voila.. instant fire show.
Thankfully all that was lost that day was a bit of dignity and a little hair. That was also the day that I learned how good hairspray is at conducting fire. That was the last day I wore hairspray.
Thankfully beehives have not come in style since then. For the most part I’ve been able to work around my no hair spray rule.
But that day where June was on fire, I will never forget!
And so the 80s ended without hairspray for me!
Need Restaurant Equipment for your golfcourse? Call One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment at 407-936-2733. Want to bring me some hairspray? I will have to defer to Sexy Sarah or even the bossman (although I don’t think he has enough hair to sport hairspray.)
Coming up… another story about Crystal Lakes…
I just need to figure which one to write about… how about the time the gentleman left me his room key as a tip and my mom happened to be at the front desk when he checked out the next morning? “Oh, sir, it seems you left your room key and a note in my daughter’s tip last night”… add in blushing from adult male realizing who he was talking to. He pretty much ran out.
Or how about the time that the maids showed me how they vacuumed backwards as they exited out the door and put their shoes back on.
Or how about the… well there will be time for more stories later.