London has a big summer coming up, with the Olympic Games and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee gearing up. Tourism is expected to skyrocket to gargantuan proportions (11 million visitors) and many restaurant owners and chefs are battening down the hatches for an immense boost in sales.
A long-time sponsor of the Olympic Games, McDonald’s is near completion with their new Flagship location in London – a building that will dwarf thee current largest McDonald’s in the world, which is location wight here in Orlando. Hrumph.
The new McDonald’s Battle Station will be a whopp(er)ing 30,000 square feet, with ion cannons on every side. The fast food giant is estimating that 1 out of every 4 people visiting the Olympic Games will visit a McDonald’s location.
If visitors are afraid they’ll be forced to eat fast food during their trip, rest easy. McDonald’s plans on subletting some of the flagship’s space for the duration of the games.
Enjoy your Olympics and your McDonald’s bragging rights, UK.
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