
In whatever business venture you decide to take on, there is one essential thing that must be done well. The key to generating a sizable profit (or moola for my simple peeps out there), lies in effectively reaching and appealing to your target audience. Seems pretty simple right? No! I’ve seen too many good businesses die on the vine simply due to awful advertising.

I was watching Shark Tank the other day and a man had a genius idea to make suitcases which fold down into little bundles which save a crazy amount of space when storing luggage. When they were put on display in stores, he began to wonder why he wasn’t making any money. He went to the stores to see what was going on and discovered they were being displayed in the bundles without showing what they turned into (luggage),so no one even knew what they were! Once they were displayed right he began to make a fortune and was given an offer by a Shark.

luggage 2

This is what they saw!


They should have seen this ALONG with the folded down version so they would know what it was.

I’m glad it worked out for Biaggi but others haven’t been so lucky. To reach your audience you need a message. Your message should clearly and concisely reveal the service you’re offering. You need to be as transparent as possible. You know when you kind of start liking someone a little bit and you go for the mysterious route, because mysterious is sexy right? Do the exact opposite of that. If your business is a restaurant, consumers should easily be able to get access to prices, a menu, what is atmosphere is like, and the age range.

Marketing is no easy feat my friend, but you can do it. The frog believes in you.