The website wants to make your stomach happy. And, of course, the way to a man’s (or woman’s) stomach is through their brain. As such, they have recently expanded their service to cover all of the United States – good news for travelers, food explorers, and others looking to find good restaurants and no longer willing to trust Uncle Roy’s recommendations…
So, what IS Nara? It is a website that has gathered a tremendous amount of information about restaurants all over the country – menu, price, atmosphere, and so on – and compares that information to the likes and tastes that you enter into the site. It also finds what restaurants you already like, and then recommends other restaurants that it thinks you will find similar and therefore also like.
The upside, of course, is the chance to check out restaurants that you might never have looked into otherwise, and to have a reasonable expectation that you might actually ENJOY the place. One downside reported by some users, however, is that there is no “weighting” to the recommendations, no descriptions, and no reviews – simply a list of restaurants in more-or-less random order that Nara thinks you will like. So, while it might not be as trustworthy as a good friend with similar tastes in food, it is (hopefully) more specific and accurate to your likes than a random search in Google or Bing.
If you have a restaurant, you are most likely already listed on Nara. It gathers its info from public sources, and doesn’t require establishments to register in order to be included. If you are looking to upgrade, remodel, or refurbish your restaurant, come in to One Fat Frog for all your new and used restaurant equipment – that would REALLY be using your brain!