
So you’re looking to create a memorable image for your brand new restaurant. Well, there are many ways to do that, and one very fun way to do that is by coming up with a unique and (if you can pull it off) humorous name. Coming up with a humorous name can be tricky, but keep it mind you’re gonna have to live with it for a while, so don’t pick something that you’re not proud of. Here’s a list of some awesome and hilarious restaurant names from across the United States.

-A Salt and Battery, New York, NY
-Lettuce Souprise You, Atlanta, GA
-Booty’s House of Crabs, Ocean City, MD
-Award Weiners in a Supporting Roll, Los Angeles, CA
-Tequila Mockingbird, Ocean City, MD (as an English nerd, this was was particularly clever)

That’s just a taste of some humorous restaurant names that you can’t take. I dare you to forget about one of these places. I’m already planning a trip to LA. So get a memorable name, and you’ll get yourself some unforgettable attention.

One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment

One Fat Frog • 2416 Sand Lake rd, Orlando FL, 32809 • 4074803409