
Let’s face it: it doesn’t matter if you’re behind the counter at a restaurant or sitting at a table; you don’t want the food to taste bad. There are ways to manage the quality of your product that should be followed as closely as possible.

-Date everything: when you get a delivery and get ready to store it, put a date on it when it arrives. Whether you keep it in boxes or put it in plastic containers, keep the dates visible and in order.

-Practice the FIFO rule: It stands for “First In, First Out.” The food you got the earliest gets served the earliest. Also, put a limit on how long you should keep something. If you only keep food in the cooler for four days, make sure to get it out in four days. On day five, toss it.

-Only buy what you need: you may think it’s a good idea to buy tons of food for a rainy day, but that’s not always the best choice. As an example: let’s say you can keep a whole chicken for a week and you know you can move 100 chickens over seven days. Don’t order 200 chickens at once or you’ll see half of that finding its way in the trash. (Also, I’m not sure the exact recommended length of time to keep a whole chicken; this was merely an example.)

-Know the codes: Health codes are their for a reason: to keep customers healthy and keep you in business. Know how long you should keep food, what temperatures to keep them at so they are safe, and follow them to the letter. I know that last one should be a given, but I’m pretty certain we know at least one story that features a business that didn’t do this.

We all want to enjoy a good meal, so make sure you practice quality to its highest point and it will definitely be worth the price you ask.

One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment

One Fat Frog • 11473 S. Orange Blossom Trail • Orlando, FL • 407-480-3409
One Fat Frog • 1137 W. Airport Blvd. • Sanford, FL • 407-936-2733


2416 Sand Lake Road • Orlando, FL • 407-480-3409
