Lunch at Pathways was Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans and Chicken. This warmer gets its use! You’ll notice a lot of the foods served at the Homeless Shelter are soft. There’s a reason for this, many of the clients have dental issues or are missing teeth. That being said Pathways must accommodate folks and feed them easy to plate food. Additionally at under a $1 a plate cost with generous portions (this may be their only meal of the day) the shelter consistently delivers miracles.
We’re so grateful for not-for-profits and giving hearts in Central Florida. We also have adopted a charity that is starting up in Jacksonville and will be working closer with them as they open their doors.
Why do we give to the Homeless Shelter and write about it… well sure it feels good, but beyond that we figure that so many of our competitors try to copy our business model and giving back to the community is an integral part of that. Giving big or giving small, it’s the thought that counts. If everyone participates how they can then together we can make our communities stronger.