
Attention all cougars:  If you can come in and make Mr. Mohawk blush you get $50 off your equipment purchase.  Know this is valid for the remainder of the week ending March 30, 2012.

Really, we’re serious… come in and tease Mr. Mohawk all day long.  For those at the other end of the spectrum we have the Finance Manager who loves girls a bit younger…

Come in, tease us… we love it.  We’re not too serious about having fun, but we are serious about dropping prices and getting you financed and started up.  Who’s got your back when it’s time to open a restaurant and you need some equipment?  The Frog… there’s only one of us… well two stores nationwide and a huge free delivery network and financing and warranty and… well you get the picture…

Anyhoo, back to teasing, Mr. Mohawk says he will give you $50 off the deal if you make HIM blush.  Lemme tell you he just loved it when a customer came in and told me he was sooo cute, he was the age of her son… lol…. bahahaha… .okay no crass comments is he my kid.  Mr. Mohawk is NOT my kid… he couldn’t be, I’m barely above 29…lol