
You know you’re a Frog when you start thinking about restaurant equipment even when you’re not at work.  Four Eyed Frog is all proud of himself for recognizing Rationale ovens being used in the field.  Then Mr. Mohawk talked about visiting different groceries and stores and labeling all the equipment and how they might be better implementing space.

Even the Finance Manager is in on the Gig.  Gotta love that guy- just can’t back up a truck to save his life but he keeps trying.  Same with credit applications- if at first you don’t get approved he’s going to partner with you to help you find approval and he’s relentless!

So, if you’re looking for new or used restaurant equipment stop in at either of our two glorious locations.  If you’re down at OBT do please ask the Finance Manager if he will back up your truck for you… hahahaha I will probably give youa discount for that!  For the record I’ll even say he has a rearview camera installed in his automobile so that he can see live footage when he’s backing up.  Not that One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment’s in house finance manager is geriatric or anything… lol

And did I tell you we had someone show up today with a green beard?  Awesome I tell you!