There are a lot of people out there that believe the Summer time is the best time for selling or eating ice cream. In my opinion the Fall is the best time to sell ice cream because it’s the best time to eat ice cream. Think about it, it’s the beginning of August and it’s 98 degrees out in the shade and you want something that will cool you off. Well millions of Americans would go for an ice cream cone for that cool sensation but its 98 degrees out and your walking around trying to eat that ice cream faster than its melting. That’s not much fun and you didn’t really get to enjoy it. Most ice cream shops might say that’s great they will just come and buy more ice cream but I say the Fall is the best time.
In the Fall the weather is much cooler than Summer and you can actually walk around eating ice cream with the one you love and enjoy it. You don’t have to suck it down so fast that you don’t remember the taste and you don’t have to wear it for the rest of the day either. I don’t know about everyone else but I am an ice cream fan and I like to take my time to enjoy my ice cream that’s why I feel like Fall is the best time to eat ice cream, at least while outside I will eat ice cream all year long.
One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment has a selection of used ice cream machines like Taylor and Duke at discounted prices. Now is the time to buy that ice cream machine before everyone else catches on to my ice cream wisdom. Visit One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment and get your used Taylor or Duke ice cream machine today.
One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment
One Fat Frog • 11473 S. Orange Blossom Trail • Orlando, FL • 407-480-3409
One Fat Frog • 1137 W. Airport Blvd. • Sanford, FL • 407-936-2733!/onefatfrog