One of our Salesguys has a mohawk, so when other folks when to Disney this weekend and saw a blinking mohawk headpiece… well….
Stories in the office: one of my coworkers refused to bath for over a week as a child. Seems they were worried about a clown coming out of the drain. I’m not going to tell you who, but come on in and I’ll point and heckle…lol… oh yeah I’m also supposed to specify this happened when he was 9 years old and not last week, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.
One of my friends is currently hitchhiking and camping their way across Scotland and it seems they’re eating Haggis today. Enough said, I’ll share pictures if they come about.
On a serious note we’ve been expanding, expanding, expanding and have hired on more technicians, office staff and warehouse staff. We’re very happy to welcome this new staff to our team and busy facility in South Orlando.
Shhhh…. also some expansion plans going on here, boss said I cannot tell you more yet, but it’s getting ready to happen sooner than later!