Really? Just had a competitor call us out of desperation questioning why are we selling a piece of equipment $600 less than what they do and aren’t we in the business to make money? Then they demanded we price the equipment higher. Now, I don’t know about you but that’s called price gouging in my book. If we’re already making a fair profit (and judging the size of our business and payroll versus theirs, I’d imagine our price would still bring them a larger profit since they have fewer employees…) why would we price higher?
First response I was rather angry at them… it took guts for him to call and suggest this, who are they to call and tell us what we should charge… sounds like gas wars in the 70s. Are we all going to price fix our gas to narrow the market? Then our very kind and gentle Finance Manager says to me, Google Girl, I think the Frog hurt their business inadvertently and they’re just trying to make a living, obviously we’ve hurt them in a bad way. It’s not guts, it’s desperation that fueled this phone call and they’re trying to keep the electric on. Once the Finance Manager reframed it for me it put everything in a sad light…
At the Frog we’re just here to do good old fashioned business. We’re quite happy we have 23 children whose mom’s and dad’s work at the Frog; we’re proud that we continue to hire during the recession. It’s never been about making top dollar or putting my kids through college on one deal.
And when I write about things on the internet, dear competitor, it’s never been about you personally. I don’t know you and I won’t speak ill about you or your business but I’ll be darned if you call and demand I raise prices.
How about this? Come up with your own marketing plan, follow it and quit copying us? Spend more time worrying what is going on under your roof … focus on your positive and accentuate it.
So I’ll bid you adieu and disconnect with the computer for a few to meditate and pray and thank God for what we have at the Frog.
My promise to you, you can continue shopping at the Frog and feel confident I’m not here to squeeze every last dime from you on new or used restaurant equipment.
Often imitated, never duplicated… you can’t duplicate the Frog because we run on different business principles, we take pride in hiring employees and feeding families, donating to the homeless and running fair deals. We believe the more equipment we sell the more people we employee. It’s not about the car I drive or how much makeup I have on. In fact right now I’m in flip flops and old jeans. We’re a pretty calm group here… if you’re looking for Hollywood Glitz and Glamour it’s not going to be here. But if you’re looking for good square deals then give us a ring.
And if you’re looking to price fix… well don’t call me. I don’t have time to deal with this nonsense. I will however entertain conversations about feeding the homeless in Orlando.