It’s no coincidence that today is the National Day of Prayer and we get a call from a homeless shelter in Jacksonville asking for help. Please call and let us help you out. Call and ask for Google Girl if you’re a 501-3-c and it would be my pleasure to answer pseudo technical and other questions for you even if you don’t buy from us. I know most not for profits and certainly all homeless shelters are put together with a prayer and a lot of financial support from congregations.
When I spoke with Terri today we discussed how much it costs to be homeless. If you’ve just joined me, let me say here that it costs money to stay at most homeless shelters overnight. Prices can vary from $6 to 11/ night! How does a homeless person come up with money? Many are dealing with so many issues that getting a job is difficult and just having proper identification is near impossible.
So I take a moment to remind each of us “there but for the grace of God.”
Not too long ago I found out a friend was homeless and her family was living in a hotel. Now this was a woman in her 40s with her master’s degree! Able bodied but ashamed of circumstances, feeding her family on the free breakfast buffet.
Perhaps we should have a big sign up at the Frog that says “There but for the grace of God.”
So I encourage you, no matter your spiritual belief system or religion, please take part in the National Day of Prayer. Pray for what is right and just. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for our country.
Prayer is free, it’s one size fits all and there is no wrong or right way to pray. As Nike says, just do it!
Let’s live each day like it’s National Day of Prayer.
No coincidence that Terri called me today, no coincidence you’re reading this. I’m here to help you expand your service to others. I don’t care if you buy from me, I just have worked too many years for 501-3-cs and really understand that having good truthful advice is sometimes just what you need. So Terri and I talked ball-park prices and installation, how to make it more affordable. We didn’t talk fundraising, but I’ve done that a lot with not-for-profits.
Have a joyous day, today!