At Orlando’s One Fat Frog MEGA Warehouse we’re stocking up for your shopping pleasure. Yup- we have a selection of used refrigerated equipment stands with drawers. These are great to put under your charbroiler, flat griddle or fryers for easy access to product while you’re slaving away in the back of the house.
A variety of sizes and a variety of savings. As always you get great technician tested equipment at the Frog at very low prices. Balance that with my smiling face and how can you resist? We have 3+ refrigerated chef bases in stock waiting for your restaurant, bar and grill!
You’re always welcome at Orlando and Sanford One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment locations! We are open Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and evenings and weekends by date only if you take us to Charlie’s or another fine steak house before the appt… hahaha j/k on that one although for the record I like my steaks medium rare.
One Fat Frog Restauarant equipment- where variety and selection of used equipment is found!