
You might hear me speak from time to time about the consultant who told me years ago that if I only let go of 1 point five employees that at the end of the year I could have any new mercedes I wanted.  I will never forget that day, sitting there with Mr. Bossman who had terminal cancer diagnosis and just a few months to live.  It was a turning point in that nothing matters when you’re faced with decisions of life and death.  All the Mercedes in the world cannot cure cancer…

And so often we make decisions at the Frog based on what is “right” in life and not in business; nothing at the Frog is driven by getting that new Mercedes at the end of the year, because if anyone knows what is important in life, it’s us.  Mr. Bossman certainly taught us that you can’t take a Mercedes, a college degree or new shoes with you.   At the Frog, everything we tell you is what we would tell our family.  When we make a sale we base it on what is right for you and not what is the top dollar for the business because we have that Mercedes payment to make. What we have to make right with at the end of the day has nothing to do with the material.  One of our many church customers told me last week, Google Girl, it’s all vanity.  And when you put it that way it is all just vanity.  Our one on one connections as humans is what matters.

We figure if you make the right decisions in life it comes back to you.  Some people call it the Golden Rule, some call it karma… whatever, it’s just living life right.    Maybe this is why we do so much business with churches and other not-for-profit businesses.  For so many years I worked with various 501-3-c’s and I know what it’s like to to fundraise and work hard.

So sometimes I get a little emotional because thanks to you we are able to do crazy good things.  It’s a pleasure and a privilege we have to donate back to the community.  I oft don’t get to talk about it enough because we’re so busy just putting basic information on the internet about our New Super Warehouse on OBT and trying to keep the inventory online- good luck if I’m ever caught up on that.

But for now, I want to share something special with you. Yes, on a daily basis we do good.  And we are able to donate here and there.  One of our favorite pet charities is the Pathways Shelter for the Mentally Ill on S. OBT- near I-4 a few miles north of us.  We are blessed to be able to work with this group of people.

This weekend Pathways Shelter for the Mentally Ill homeless is having a party.  It’s a Drop in BBQ for you to become acquainted with the shelter.  Many of the homeless folks who use the shelter will be here and many of OPD’s finest (Thank you Lt. Deanne Adams for this) will also be in attendance.  All I can say is that once you meet the homeless people as individuals they no longer have the dirty, scary stigma… they are your mother, your aunt, your uncle, your brother, your father… they are human and it is our responsibility to help them best we can.  I really, really encourage you to stop in or donate in some way.  In fact we’ll be having a drive to raise used blankets, clothing, and other items (we’ll post more later).  Donations will be accepted at either our Sanford or our Orlando locations.  If you’re outside of the area and want to donate money make a check out to NAMI (National Association of Mentally Ill) and it can benefit Pathways and send it either directly to Pathways or C/O the Frog.  If you’re interested in taking up collections in your area and having the Frog pick up from you we can do this when we go on one of our free delivery routes in the state, just call down to OBT and ask for Google Girl and I’ll help coordinate this.

So, long story short this weekend the Frog is donating a bit of dogs, buns, burgers and cupcakes for the BBQ.  Please do stop in.  Here’s the letter that Lt. Adams sent me:
Subject: Pathways Halloween BBQ

Hello everyone,

We are having a Halloween Barbeque at Pathways Drop-In-Center on Sunday, October 31, 2010 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. If you would like to join us please let me know. MCO Gary Lumpkin will be performing his Magic on the Grill with the Hamburgers and Hotdogs. We are looking for CIT Volunteers and anyone that  has any old clothing, shoes, blankets, pillows, tents or small items that may help our Homeless population that live in the woods. Below is a list of the most common used items……

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Lt. Deanne Adams

PS. If you would like to join us and bring a side dish, drinks, or pack of Hotdogs for the Barbeque that would be awesome!!!

Donations Needed
Men and Women Toiletries
Men & Women Clothing (Especially L—XXXL sizes)
Instant Coffee
Pop- Top Cans of Food
Six Packs of Sodas/Waters



I’ll be posting later about the GREAT donation The Animal Clinic made to one of the homeless families.  The “Animal Medical Clinic” is off Curry Ford and Bumby in Orlando FL.

1404 S. Bumby Ave.
Orlando, FL. 32806

Dr. Suarez owns the Clinic and Dr.Cassie Quest, DVM did the
Surgery and follow up appointment for the beloved pet.   We’ll do a full write up and post some videos soon enough.

C’mon Orlando, let’s focus on the GOOD going on.  I dare you to start thinking about wonderful things going on, focus on helping others because THAT is where it’s at.

May Dr. Suarez and Dr. Quest’s practices flourish because in this world, good begets good and honest begets honest.  At the Frog we commend folks who do good just to do good and their veterinary practice is a phenomenal example of that.  So, if you’re in the metro Orlando area, Pinecastle, OBT, Dr. Phillips area and looking for a compassionate community minded vet, we encourage you to check out The “Animal Medical Clinic” is off Curry Ford and Bumby.

YAY- “Animal Medical Clinic”… more to come of this heart wrenching story 🙂

So, sorry for this detour from restaurant equipment, but we sell restaurant equipment so that we can donate and help others.  That is the purpose of the Frog is to give to the greater community.  Thanks family and friends who shop at the Frog, YOU are the reason we can do things like this and YOU are the reason that many families give thanks and put food on their tables tonight.

So from the Employees, Family, Friends and Children of the Frog, a heartfelt thanks for shopping, spending and coming back again and again.  We APPRECIATE you and your loyalty.  It allows us the privilege of giving back to the community in many way.