
Saw some great photos of our clients out at the Gay Pride Parade in Orlando.  What a great time it was for all!  Rather bummed I never made it out to support my friends.  Happy to see the celebrations going on nationwide.

One of the moments that makes me smile most of all is when I log onto Facebook and see all of my old high school cronies.  One of them I’m particularly proud of because he is a visibly OUT staff member of Carleton College.  The campus appears to be very liberal and it just makes me smile that he lives his life as an every day person without many of the small minded worries many of our GLBT friends have.  I also am grateful he has the courage to stand as a role model for students who come from different walks and backgrounds.  With the upcoming Purple Day to remind us that no one should be bullied- you’ll see me wear purple on the 20th… I think it’s important that we remember while it may not be our path we need to be aware of others whose path it is.

At the Frog we’ve had the pleasure to open many Gay-Owned restaurants and bars.   Somehow I guess I’m known in the community as being liberal and supportive and it seems we get phone calls or drive ups each week coming from everywhere in Florida and a few nationwide.   Gotta say, I love my Gay clients.   From the hundreds of restaurants (okay maybe thousands) that we have opened I can tell you that normally gay-managed restaurants are extremely organized, very experienced and have the knowledge to open a successful food service establishment.

At the Frog we regularly donate to two causes that we’re (okay me) rather passionate about:  Homeless and GLBT.  Our last GLBT donation was to the GLBT club at Seminole High School in Sanford, FL.  As a former principal and educator I remember how hard it was to fundraise and I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it may be for a group to fundraise at the high school level.  At the Frog we truly commend the teens at SHS for taking a stand!  Now to be honest we were introduced to this group through a former student who is a member.  Have to say I was very much blown away by the deep thoughts she has already had and her opinions formed so early in life; she attends the group in support of her friends and I commend her for the courage and willingness to stand up for what she thinks is right.

No matter what your opinion, speak it- that’s for sure!

And this is why I’m glad I’m self-employed.  I suppose if I worked for a big company someone would censor me and tell me it wasn’t politically correct and certainly not beneficial to the business to openly support the GLBT community.  But I say, who cares, in the immortal words of Popeye, “I yam who I yam.”  I do the right thing and the business follows suit.

One of our collateral business contacts asked me if we could loan him a convertible for a parade coming up.  Near the end of the conversation they gave me a conspiratory whisper, “well, it’s for -them-“… Dear Me, I’m a bit slow and asked the business contact, “who’s them?”  They said, “well, you know, Google Girl, the gays… and I can understand if you don’t feel comfortable lending them a car.”  At this point I took a deep inner breath, realized I was dealing with someone a little more narrow-minded than myself and said, ” honestly, I’m glad you told me that XYZ business is participating in the Gay Pride Parade.  That makes me want to support them even more, but we don’t have a convertible to lend.”    There was quiet at the other end of the phone.  I continued, “actually, the frog is committed to donating to two causes:  supporting Orlando’s homeless and also GLBT in the community and those are the two communities we normally donate to.”  Let’s just say a little back-pedalling ensued on the other end of the phone.

So there, it’s out.  Years ago I went with the kids and the husband to city hall to support Gay Marriage.  We were the only straight couple there… and a gentleman came up and asked me what brought me to the protest.  My answer, “it’s the right thing to do and I want my children to grow up in a world where people are free to make their own decisions.”  So at the risk of loosing business I put this out there.  It’s the right thing to do and I encourage you to do the right thing.  Think about it, take a deep breath and let people live their lives.

So, on the 20th, you’ll see many of us at the Frog wearing Purple and even two little girls wearing purple at Wilson Elementary in Sanford, FL.  I thought long and hard how I would explain to them why they would wear purple on that day.  But, you know what we talk about a lot rather openly.  The school wore pink for breast cancer, so why couldn’t I tell the girls that we’re wearing purple to support people to make their own choices and to tell bullies they won’t be tolerated.

I know we get a lot of reads here, so if you’re a teacher or parent looking for some GREAT reading/ resource materials I encourage you to go to Teachingtolerance.org  — they have great materials and also a LOT free that can be mailed to schools.  Won’t you sign up your school for a free materials?

What does this have to do with selling restaurant equipment in the greater Orlando FL area?  I guess simultaneously nothing and an awful lot.  I have a few more personal blog entries that need to go up about religious tolerance, different races, and cancer… in fact going through colon cancer and need some support or have questions?  I remember being that caregiver and going through the lonely times where you cannot cry in front of the person fighting cancer.  Drop me a line.  I’m here to talk cancer or give you an idea of great charities to donate to in Central Florida!

And so for my competitors- have a fun time with this one.  What’s the rumor mill going to start up now?  In the immortal words of the song, “Let’s give them something to talk about…. “