
Maybe sometimes we are rather silent about what we do.  Sometimes we shout it a lot louder because if you hear us then you’ll start doing good too and reach out in your community in ways that are good.

Several years ago we went through colon cancer with Mr. Bossman (search this site for that info and on super MD Anderson Clinic in Orlando or contact me for further info, I’ll hold your hand because I remember those sleepless nights scouring the internet looking for someone who made it) and were courted by a restaurant equipment conglomerate.  They hired a shiny faced man to consult with us (for the record Mr. Bossman and I had/ have enough degrees to wallpaper a few bathrooms but you’ll generally find me at work in flip flops and if you start talking cars I’ll pine for the 97 Pathfinder).  So this consultant says to me, Google Girl, if you get rid of 1 point five employees at the end of the year you can buy any porsche or mercedes you want.  I paused, looked at them and said, you cannot be sitting here at this table with me and a man who is terminal and tell me that I can buy a Mercedes.  Do you think that really means anything to me right now?

I call that a God moment.  It was a pivotal moment for me as a human.  That’s when I realized, this is just stainless and the Frog is nothing without our employees, our family and the clients who we embrace as family.

And with that we silently employee many as we’re growing and as we can we add on temps, some friends of friends who just need work and some from a local rehabilitation center.  In fact we’ve taken folks from that rehab center and created darn good frogs out of them.  It’s through that great power of persuasion, there’s enough of us here who are family oriented and don’t use substances that we out-number and surely just influence in a good way.

So I encourage you, give back to your community in some way shape or form, be it monetary, time or even in used goods.  If each of us goes a bit further outside of our comfort zone we’ll offer so much more to Orlando and our communities at large.

And so I offer up a heartfelt thanks for the blessing that this company has been able to sustain many families in the past months of growth.  I appreciate the mercy bestowed on us that we are in a position to help others.  I give thanks in prayer that we are able to help those who circumstances put them in a position that they need help.  And I humbly appreciate your business that allows us to help so many.  Thank you for shopping with One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment.  It truly is our pleasure and our blessing that you choose to work with us.  The many men, women, and Children of the Frog thank you!