
The warehouse guys are loading up a home refrigerator on the truck now to take it to a single lady we know whose refrigerator died.  While we could sell this refrigerator to a restaurant we decided to give it to this gal because we knew she needed a refrigerator and just didn’t have the monies to buy one of her own and doesn’t have a man to help her move her broken refrigerator out of the house.

We’d like to take a moment to thank our warehouse guys for donating this time to deliver the refrigerator after hours to this gal.  They didn’t have to stay late, they decided to because it was the right thing.

Sometimes there is more in life that guides us than the almighty dollar.  Thanks to the guys for giving so generously of their own time!

It’s our pleasure at One Fat Frog to give back to the community even if it’s one refrigerator at a time!