
I came in revved on Monday with all sorts of inspirational information about Hope and Grace.  I planned on sharing some quotes a friend gave me and sharing them with you.  Monday came and it was busy= good busy, good business and even better friends.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the minute details- paying bills, writing checks, helping customers that we don’t always stop to look around- to live- to live in the now.

And I took a moment, a moment to think about where I am, to talk to a new friend about the loss of their daughter.  It was heartbreaking, it is heartbreaking.  The loss of a family member- particularly a child- is rough.

And today again I was reminded by a customer that the greatest thing I do is not sell restaurant equipment but appreciate the human aspects of our customers.  It’s my job to support them in this life, to befriend them and to help them with their burdens and their worries.

May each of you experience grace and hope today- the world is an absolutely fabulous place and we’re all lucky to be here together.  From the family at One Fat Frog Restaurant Equipment, thank you for being in our lives, we are so blessed and enriched that you have shared a place for us.